Packaged services
Extended Reality
Augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality are reshaping possibilities for digital innovations. We’ve created a customisable service package for businesses wanting to explore extended reality solutions as part of their digital offering.
Packaged services:
Internal hack day
An internal hack day to encourage blue-sky thinking from within, generating buy-in and rewarding innovative thinking.
In this event:
- Briefing based on strategic technology use cases
- Structured discovery, research, and creative process
- Addition of technology SMEs to guide solution design
- Pitching and voting, with creative awards and incentives
The goal of the internal hack day is to generate ideas from within your organisation, encouraging innovation buy-in from key stakeholders. Following the event, high-polling concepts are used to drive prototyping activities.
High-fidelity prototype
A high-fidelity solution prototype, allowing for advanced user validation testing or as a blueprint for development.
Prototype services:
- Detailed discovery and best-practice review
- User experience (UX) design for the core user interaction
- User interface design (UI) for the addition of visuals and branding
- Interaction Design (IxD) for high-fidelity features and interactions
The goal of the prototyping phase is to use internal ideas and creative concepts to inform the delivery of a high-fidelity prototype. This prototype can be used as a lighthouse initiative for shareholders, to test a concept with target users, or even as a blueprint for development.
Validation — the addition of creative strategy, user research, or testing methodologies to further refine the solution.

Sprint — a lean Innovation Sprint (preceding prototyping activities) to co-design a proof of concept and test it with users.
Keen to learn more? Get in touch